Green Living Resources

Skip Black Friday and go for #GivingTuesday!

For immediate release

Winnipeg, Manitoba (November 28, 2013)—Green Action Centre has joined #GivingTuesday, a global movement harnessing the collective power of a unique blend of partners – charities, families, businesses and individuals – to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season.

Taking place December 3rd (the Tuesday after Black Friday), #GivingTuesday will use the power of social media to create a national moment dedicated to holiday giving. Green Action Centre joined #GivingTuesday to create awareness about the great opportunity the holiday season represents for giving back.

#GivingTuesday marks the opening day of the holiday giving season. Amanda Kinden, Living Green Living Well Co-ordinator at Green Action Centre, says “Black Friday is a day for retailers to make money, but #GivingTuesday is a day for communities and charities to come together and support each other.”

She encourages Manitobans to explore the many alternatives to the consumerist side of the holidays. “While gift giving is a great opportunity to give a much needed item to a loved one, it is also a time when a lot of unwanted/unneeded gifts and waste are discarded.”

Those who are interested in joining Green Action Centre’s #GivingTuesday initiative can visit For information on the movement, initiated nationally by CanadaHelps, GIV3 and other partners, see

Kinden also encourages Manitobans to consider participating in Buy Nothing Day, a simple action against consumerism that happens on the same day as Black Friday. “The simplest way to participate in Buy Nothing Day is simply not to participate in consumerism,” she notes.

Green Action Centre is a non-profit organization focused on greener living – at home, at work, at school, and in the community. We share a greener, better living message through the delivery of community programs, events, education, and policy work. The Centre coordinates Waste Reduction Week in Manitoba every October.

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For more information on #GivingTuesday and Buy Nothing Day, please contact:

Amanda Kinden

Program Coordinator, Living Green Living Well,
amanda(at) | (204) 925-3779

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