Green Living Resources

Sign up for the “Dig In” Challenge to grow and eat local food!

Do you want to eat local healthy foods? Want to learn how to grow your own vegetables? Connect with local farmers? Cook delicious dishes with local ingredients? This program will help. I participated last summer and tried some delicious recipes and grew a lot of cool things!

Food Matters Manitoba has a great program that is launching right now called the The Dig In Challenge. The challenge lasts 5 months and runs from February to June 2013.

The great thing about their challenge is that it guides you step-by-step with great workshops, articles and ideas. The e-mail updates every couple weeks bring delicious recipe ideas to your inbox and keep you informed of upcoming events. This is a great program to help you with the tools and support to start your local food journey.

Click here to learn about the 2013 Dig In Challenge

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