Poor infrastructure hindering active transportation
WINNIPEG, MB – Manitoba motorists aren’t the only ones feeling the brunt of Manitoba’s massive infrastructure deficit; pedestrians and cyclists are too.
“Our roads and sidewalks aren’t welcoming to pedestrians and cyclists,” says Mike Mager, President and CEO of CAA Manitoba. “Traffic congestion, crumbling infrastructure and traffic light synchronization affect all Manitobans, no matter how they choose to travel.”
With just over a week left in CAA’s Worst Roads campaign, Mager says on top of making it hard for those who already walk or bike, it discourages others who want to become more active. Green Action Centre agrees.
“It comes down to safety and convenience,” says Jackie Avent of the Active and Safe Routes to School Program at Green Action Centre. “If you make it difficult for cyclists and pedestrians to get around, and they don’t feel safe, they are likely to hop in a car instead.”
Avent notes that this is especially true for children walking to school. “We have seen a significant decline in the past decade in kids walking or biking to school. Perceived lack of safe routes and poor maintenance of the sidewalks is mostly to blame.”
Both Mager and Avent agree that although all levels of government have made significant strides to improve active transportation in Manitoba, much more is needed.
Over 3,100 votes have been cast for over 350 roads in our province, citing complaints such as cycling safety, poor light synchronization and crumbling infrastructure.
CAA is encouraging all Manitobans to vote for their Worst road by going to caamanitoba.com/WorstRoads until April 23. After the campaign closes, CAA Manitoba provides the data to all levels of government, hoping to put the top 10 roads at the top of governments’ to-fix lists.
For more information contact:
Angèle Faucher, CAA Manitoba | Office: 204.262.6134 | Cell: 204.797.4326 | angelef (at) caamanitoba.com
Jackie Avent, Green Action Centre | Active and Safe Routes to School Program | Office: (204) 925-3773 | jackie (at) greenactioncentre.ca