Green Living Resources

Myth busted! Garbage carts are not too small

MYTH Busted

Based on the responses to this myth posting, most everyone feels that the new garbage and recycling carts are more than large enough for our needs. In some cases people felt that they were too large and took up too much space in the garage. Most people seem to be putting their carts out every 2 to 3 weeks, while Peter and Carolyn went a full 18 weeks before putting out the trash.

A couple of important points also come out of the responses, the first being that carts don’t have to put out every week if they are not full. Reducing the number of stops that trucks have to make will not only improve the service, but lead to reduced emissions from those trucks and over time reduced costs for the service. The other important point is that composting can significantly reduce our waste. Not only less garbage, but less wet stinky garbage means less trips to the curb too.

Thanks to everyone for their comments.


New recycling bin is here! (Photo: Green Action Centre)

A recent article in the Free Press indicated that Winnipeggers are recycling more since the city adopted the new automated carts. The associated poll seemed to support this, although 48% of those who responded indicated that they have “always recycled everything possible.” This got us wondering how Winnipeggers were feeling about their garbage carts. In the initial roll-out there was much discussion about whether these carts were large enough for people’s needs.

The discussion around our table seemed to confirm that most of us found the carts more than large enough and some found they were just too large for their weekly needs. Some indicated that they were putting out a cart partially filled each week, while others indicated that they were only having to put out their cart once every 2 to 4 weeks.

Here’s your chance to tell us your experience and then we will bust this myth!

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