Supporting Green Action in Manitoba can be easy as a small monthly contribution. Even small monthly donations make a big difference – enabling us to plan with stable funding from multiple sources, including the members we serve. To easily make a secure donation on-line, visit the Green Action Centre page at CanadaHelps. CanadaHelps provides you with a charitable tax receipt by e-mail.
Your gift supports environmental education by Green Action Centre. We hold workshops and events, produce e-newsletters and “how-to” resources, maintain this web site, and work directly with individuals, schools, school divisions, businesses and communities across Manitoba.
Thanks to the support of members like you, we were able to successfully press for a breakthrough on recycling and waste diversion in Winnipeg this year, with the approval of the City’s comprehensive waste reduction plan. It will see recycling double over the next few years and introduce new options for composting. We could not have so effectively raised environmental concerns without your support. With monthly contributions, we will continue to aim for results on key issues like greener transportation, waste reduction, and building sustainable communities in Manitoba.
Green Action Centre is a respected voice for change on issues like recycling and waste, composting, active transportation, energy conservation, climate change, and sustainable communities. We carry the environmental message to policy-makers and decision-makers at all levels of government, participate in consultations on environmental programs, and appear before regulatory bodies like the Public Utilities Board and Clean Environment Commission to urge resource conservation.