Yesterday Conservation and Water Stewardship Minister Gord Mackintosh announced that legislation restricting the use of toxic lawn pesticides would be introduced that day, Earth Day.
Green Action Centre is very pleased and thank the NDP government for following through and taking this important first step in protecting the health of Manitobans. Unfortunately, we aren’t out of the woods yet.
The legislation prevents synthetic lawn pesticide use on lawns, sidewalks and driveways, as well as near hospitals, schools and playgrounds/sports fields. The legislation could go further as it exempts golf courses, gardens and our food and it also faces extreme opposition from wealthy and powerful pesticide companies.
What is the process now? How can we continue to work to make sure this legislation passes?
Yesterday Bill 55 was introduced (first reading). The Bill will then enter second reading and this is a very important stage where the Bill will be accepted or rejected. The Bill will then enter the committee stage, and that’s where we need Manitobans to get involved. To see the status of the Bill, click here.
The committee stage is also important because it offers a chance for the public to have input on a Bill. Manitoba residents can register to present orally or provide a written submission. After the public is heard from there are opening statements and then the committee considers the Bill clause-by-clause. For more information on the committee stage process click here.
Manitoba residents from outside of Winnipeg are often given priority to present at a committee hearing. Otherwise presenters are in order of registration and given 10 minutes to speak and 5 minutes to answer questions the committee might have.We are certain that the pesticide industry will have many speakers from outside Winnipeg lined up, so please share this information with everyone you know and ask them to participate in this important process. We don’t have money but we have numbers!
Please consider participating in this important step. You can call 204-945-3636 to register as a presenter for the committee stage. They will need:
– The Bill number and name -55 The Environment Amendment Act (Reducing Pesticide Exposure)
– Your name, address and contact information
– If you live outside of Winnipeg
– If you are presenting as an individual or representing an organization
If you are unable to attend the meeting you can send a written submission to:
Clerk of Committees
Room 251 – 450 Broadway
Winnipeg MB
R3C 0V8
You may also fax your submission to (204) 945-0038, or send it by email to:
You can also email the Minister of Conservation, the PC Leader, the NDP Caucus and the Health Minister to let them know you support this legislation!
If you have any questions of concerns feel free to contact Amanda 204-925-3779 or email amanda(at)