Green Living Resources

Litterless lunches

The habits we learn in school can last the rest of our lives. By practicing less waste in our choice of lunch materials, we not only reduce how much we put into landfill, on the whole we are choosing healthier foods.

Ideas for packing a litterless lunch:

Do include:

  • Sandwiches, salads and other meals in reusable containers
  • Whole fruits and vegetables without packaging
  • Drinks in reusable containers, like a thermos (or in recyclable ones, like a can, glass or tetra pak)
  • Snacks purchased in bulk and brought in reusable containers
  • Cloth napkins, reusable spoons and forks
  • Take compost material home or use a worm composter

Don’t include:

  • Individually wrapped snacks
  • Plastic baggies that are not reusable
  • Disposable forks and spoons
  • Straws
  • Plastic wrap or foil that cannot be reused

(adapted from Consume This! Buying That Matters by the Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention, 2006)

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