Green Living Resources

International Walk to School Month Celebrates Walkable, Active Communities

Hundreds of Events in Manitoba Will Recognize the Role Walking and Bicycling to School Can Play in Student Health and Safety

WINNIPEG, MB (October 6, 2010) — This month, thousands of students, parents and communities representing more than 150 schools across Manitoba are celebrating the simple act of walking and bicycling to school. It’s International Walk to School Month!

Now in its 13th year, this month-long event in Manitoba and Canada is a part of an international effort in more than 40 countries to celebrate the many benefits of safely walking and bicycling to school and to encourage more families to consider getting out of the car and onto their feet on the way to school in October.

Walk to School Month was kicked off in Manitoba today with the celebration of the 5th anniversary of Manitoba in motion, a provincial strategy to encourage regular physical activity among all Manitobans. Jim Rondeau, Minister of Healthy Living, Youth, and Seniors, spoke at a celebration at the Legislative Building, encouraging the elementary school students in attendance to be active every day and to encourage others to do the same.

The Active & Safe Routes to School program in Manitoba is a program of Green Action Centre and is sustained by the efforts of parents, schools, community leaders and local, provincial, and federal governments to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school. Active & Safe Routes to School activities range from building sidewalks, to getting drivers to slow down in school zones, to the creation of School Travel Plans.

For a complete list of other countries participating in Walk to School Month 2010, as well as photos from Walk to School Month activities, visit Green Action Centre’s new website at: .

For more information, contact:

Sean Goertzen
Office: 204.925.3773
Cell: 204.250.9713
Manitoba Website:
Canada Website:
International Website:

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