Green Living Resources

International Walk to School Day a success!

With record breaking weather, International Walk to School Day started off a great success with approximately 200 students, teachers, parents and even a few dogs walking on October 5th! This year, Maple Leaf School in North Kildonan was selected as the recipient for a walk to school with Green Action Centre along with school trustees Shirley Timm Rudolph and Peter Kotyk. The event focuses on getting more kids active by walking and biking to school and over 70 schools in Manitoba will be participating over the month of October this year.

The morning walk started at McIvor Park where the parents and students gathered and then we headed off towards the school just after 9am. Everyone was very energetic, especially the students who had a blast playing and chatting with their friends along the way. Shaw TV came along for the walk to film the event which added even more excitement to the morning. When everyone arrived at the school, healthy snacks of bananas and apples were waiting for them from Vita Health and Safeway. With a few words on being active and healthy living from Shirley Timm Rudolph, and Teresa Miller, the school’s IWALK coordinator, the kids were ready to start their day after a fun walk and quick snack to celebrate. Overall, a fun and active morning for International Walk to School Day 2011!

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