Last summer, the Government of Manitoba
legislation this fall that would protect Manitoba from synthetic chemical lawn pesticides. This promise is now at risk because of delays during the last legislative session.
Help make sure this legislation doesn’t fall to the way side! The safety of our children and our pets must be a priority. Pesticide legislation must be included in the Government’s November Throne Speech and introduced during the Fall Session to effectively protect our children, our pets and the environment.
Please write or call Gord Mackintosh, Minister of Conservation and Water Stewardship, to let him know you want to see this legislation passed this Spring. His number is (204)-945-3730 and his email address is Click here to send your pesticide-ban email now! (link will open up your email with a quick message already included!). This email will also be sent to the PC Leader Brian Pallister (204-945-3593,, Health Minister Erin Selby (204-945-3731, and the NDP Caucus (204-945-3710,
You can also write a letter to the editor of the Winnipeg Free Press and let them know you appreciate balanced journalism and would like to see what the opposite side has to say on the issue. Need some quick background information? Check out EcoJustice’s myth buster on cosmetic pesticide bans.
We are also looking for volunteers to call Green Action Centre members and ask them to contact Minister Mackintosh, the NDP Caucus and PC Leader Brian Pallister. If you are available Feb. 19 & 20 from 6-8pm, please contact Amanda at 204-925-3779 or email amanda(@)
If we keep up the pressure we will win this ban and join the other 6 Provinces that have some form of protection from cosmetic pesticide use.