Green Living Resources

How to Manage E-Waste Responsibly

metal framed area for e-waste drop off at assibiboine park

E-waste is hazardous material. Over time, electronics can leak toxic elements, like mercury and lead, which can be harmful to the environment and to humans. Donating your electronics for reuse or recycling them at safely managed sites helps control the hazards.  Recycling also allows reliable resources found in electronics — recyclable plastics and even gold — to be reclaimed.

Source: Waste Reduction Week in Canada

The Importance of choosing a responsible E-Waste collector 

Recycling is a for-profit business, not every recycling depot operates the same. It’s important to look into the organizations you support to ensure your electronics are handled ethically and responsibly. 

Electronic Product Recycling Association (EPRA)

EPRA is an industry-led, not-for-profit organization that operates regulated recycling programs across Canada. We ensure that end-of-life electronics are handled in a safe, secure and environmentally-sound manner.

End-of-life electronics are dropped off at EPRA authorized collection sites, including drop-off centres, return-to-retail locations and at special collection events, in well over 2,500 locations across the country. Check out their Drop-Off Locator.

Mother Earth Recycling

Mother Earth Recycling serves as a collection depot for RecycleMyElectronics. As a Social Enterprise, Mother Earth places the same value on environmental sustainability and social responsibility as they do on making profits. They are able to expand operations and provide more employment opportunities for Indigenous peoples by reinvesting their profits back into the organization.

Manitobans can be sure their contributions will go far through Mother Earth’s dedication to community responsibility.

Read our interview with Jessica Floresco, General Manager of Mother Earth Recycling, here.

For more information about their services, click here, or check them out on Facebook!

Computers for Schools Manitoba

Computers for Schools MB consistently provides an average of 5000 refurbished computers per year to eligible clients who may not otherwise have access to affordable technology. On average, they divert over 500,000 lbs of e-waste from landfills per year! Read more about their organization here.

Before disposal comes to mind, one should always think of extending the life of their products. Purchase quality products and protective accessories. Instead of replacing your fully functional phone with the newest model that just came out, save some money and take good care of what is already yours.

Let us know in the comments how you make your electronics last! 

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