Green Living Resources

Have a green Mother’s Day!

Being a mom has been labelled as the “world’s toughest job” but also the most rewarding one. Mother’s Day is the perfect time to show her that you care and appreciate all your mom has done for you over the years.

For those of you looking for gift ideas, we have come up with an eco-friendly guide to make both your mom and the earth happy:

Fresh herbs or flowers: Bring the outside in with little potted plants filled with kitchen herbs or flowers for her window.  Organic flowers are also a great way to brighten her day.

Healthy treats: If you want a unique take on Mother’s Day bouquets, make her a fruit tray with a watermelon ‘vase’ and cut out daisy and star shapes from fruit to thread on to skewers. It is a light and totally guilt-free fruity treat for her to snack on throughout the day.

The gift of music: Is your mom very musical or love to play/listen to music? Book a piano tuning to make her piano sound beautiful so she can enjoy playing it again this Mother’s Day.

The gift of jewelry: Most women love it and this piece, custom designed by Hilary Druxman, symbolizes deep-rooted connections, rejuvenation and hope. Your purchase is a double-win as funds are returned back to Green Action Centre to contribute to ongoing waste reduction and sustainable transportation projects.

Homemade gifts: Decorate a picture frame with old puzzle pieces, make DIY coasters out of a scrabble game or paint flower pots with some VOC-free paint, and she’ll appreciate how thoughtful and unique your gift is.

Organic chocolate: Chocolate is a very popular choice for most people. Treat her with ethical chocolate to ease her mind and make her taste buds happy.

The gift of time: Mothers are so busy, they sometimes barely get a moment for themselves. Give her a break by volunteering to take on some spring cleaning for her (with our green cleaning recipes here), make a delicious dinner, or let her sleep in and bring her some breakfast in bed.

Helping the planet: Help Green Action Centre continue our hard work in your community by supporting us through donations. You can keep up with all our news in our e-newsletter to see what we’ve done throughout the year.


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