Green Living Resources

Green Action Centre gets an office makeover

A big thank you to Anthony Allan Office Furnishings!

Green Action Centre – Before

It was out with the old and in with the new (to us) recently at Green Action Centre. Through the generosity of Anthony Allan Office Furnishings we were able to get all new (re-used) workstations for our office. What originally started as a whim became a reality when Anthony Allan offered to keep an eye out for surplus office furniture from their clients. It took some time, but eventually they were able to obtain the furniture we needed.

Green Action Centre – After our office makeover!

Not only did they help us find the furniture, but they provided the design services to optimize the layout and had their staff deliver and install the furniture. Combined with the new (to us) chairs that we obtained last year from Zywave, we now have a much more ergonomic and comfortable workspace.

Most of our old desks were either sold through Kijiji or given away through Freecycle. With some planning and a little hard work, the change-over to the new furniture went relatively smoothly.

Thanks, Frogbox!

We chose to use Frogbox to supply us with reusable containers which made is easy to pack and store all of our personal effects while the new furniture was being installed.

We can’t thank Anthony Allan Office Furnishing, and especially their owner Phil Hornby enough for everything they have done for us. We also want to thank Frogbox for providing the reuseable containers we needed for our move.


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