Green Living Resources

Crazy for Compost School Video Contest

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Thank you to all our participants, We received so many fabulous videos. our winners have been announced!

Want your school to be Greener?

This is more than a video contest — it’s taking action and making a difference!

Create a short video (1-2 minutes) to show us why your school wants help turning food scraps into valuable natural fertilizer! Do you already compost at school? What’s working and what’s not? Need help starting? Show us why!

Hey Teachers! This could be a great classroom project!

Win cash prizes and everything your school needs to start composting! In return, your school needs to commit to 2 years of composting, with the help of Green Action Centre.

Get creative! Any student, group/club, classroom, or school in Winnipeg and surrounding areas (must be in the Manitoba Capital Region) can enter. There are two categories:

  • Kindergarten to Grade 6 
  • Grades 7 to 12

Five winning videos will be selected, with at least one from each category.


Before creating your video:

  • Did you read the Contest Guidelines/Rules?
  • Has a teacher or staff person been designated as the Composting Program Leader?
  • Does your principal support this project?
  • Did you review the Judging Form?
  • Did you sign up to let us know you’ll be entering the video contest? By signing up, we can notify you with contest updates, resources or news.
  • Have the Parent Permission Forms been signed for each student that will appear in the video?

Remember, your video must be between 1 to 2 minutes and in the correct digital format.

Here are some Resources to help you get the word out: Poster and brochure

How to submit your video:

Your submission must include:

– Video (1 to 2 minutes long and in the correct format)
– Contest Entry Form (with the Composting Program Leader signature)
Parent Permission Forms.

Deadline for submissions: 5:00 PM, May 9, 2014

Submissions can be sent:

1. By Mail:
Crazy for Compost! Video Contest
Green Action Centre
303 Portage Ave, 3rd floor
Winnipeg, MB  R3B 2B4

2. Electronically:
Videos can be uploaded to free file sharing site such as
Forms can be sent via [email text=”email”][/email] sylvie(at)


(204) 925-3778 (Winnipeg)
1-866-394-8880 (toll free)
[email text=”email”][/email] sylvie(at)

Winning videos will be announced on May 16th, 2014.

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