Would you like to see a composting program in your multi-residential complex, your community garden, your religious institution, or even your workplace or school? Here some tips to help you get started:
- Leadership: When implementing a composting program that involves a lot of people, it is important to have at least some committed individuals who will oversee the program and take a leadership role. Maybe that person is you!
- Education: The program leaders have to be knowledgeable on the basics of composting and have a clear understanding of how the program will work. You need to know the basic how-to information in order to educate others that will be involved in the program.
- Budget: Setting up a composting program does not need to be expensive. Even with a very small budget, it is possible to build your compost bins using old wood pallets or other used materials. The only tool required are pitchfork or shovel, although a compost aeratoring tool is a handy addition.
- Waste Audit: You might want to do a simple audit of the potential waste that you might potentially collect before deciding on your compost bin type or location.
- Educational signage: You should consider some signage that will provide contributors to your compost pile information on what to add and where to add it.
Composting offers numerous benefits for your community and for the environment too! Check out the many benefits here!
Need Help?
Green Action Centre offers presentations and courses, printed materials, and support for all your composting needs. If you have questions or would like to book a presentation for your community group:
- Give us a call: toll free at 1-866-394-8880 or in Winnipeg at 925-3777
- Drop us an email at compost@greenactioncentre.ca.