Green Living Resources

Celebrating Clean Air Day 2011!

Clean Air Day on the Bridge

Over 150 people were treated to a sweet reward for walking, cycling and skateboarding to work on June 8th, Clean Air Day. These active commuters enjoyed juice, smoothies, coffee, muffins, and cinnamon buns along with a copy of the updated Winnipeg Cycling Map. It was also a great opportunity for last minute sign-ups for this week’s Commuter Challenge!

At Stevenson-Britannia School

The rain ended and the sun came out just in time for Clean Air Day and it was a great success! This year Stevenson-Britannia School in Winnipeg was selected as the recipient for a Walk to School with Green Action Centre and St. James MLA Bonnie Korzeniowski along with some great prizes. The turnout was impressive with students not only from Stevenson-Britannia School but also two daycares in the area – Assiniboine Castle Day Care and Horizons Children’s Centre.

The Walking School Bus started at Queen and Ness Avenue where we gathered some of the students and then headed to Berry and Ness to meet up with another group just west of the school. We heard many great stories, such as two students who informed their parents they wanted to bike instead of bus for the month of June and who rode along with the Walking School Bus. From there, our very large group headed towards Stevenson-Britannia School where we all gathered outside to sing O Canada and celebrate with a short assembly. After MLA Bonnie Korzeniowski spoke about the importance Clean Air Day, prizes were drawn and presented to students who had participated. A fun and active morning on Clean Air Day 2011!

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