Green Living Resources

Buy Nothing Day 2016

Held on the last Friday in November, Buy Nothing Day coincides with the start of the Christmas shopping frenzy. This year, Buy Nothing Day lands on November 25, 2016. It is an international, informal annual event dedicated to raising awareness of overconsumption. Participate by not participating!

North Americans have an over-sized ecological footprint. Just think of the resources that go into making, shipping, packaging, advertising, selling, using, and disposing of all the things we buy. I sat all day at a Staples near me and watched people consume, it changed me a little.  Buy Nothing Day highlights the environmental, social, spiritual, economic, and political aspects of overconsumption, and asks what it is we really want and need.

Originally promoted by “culture jammers” and the Canadian-based magazine Adbusters, Buy Nothing Day (BND) popularizes a commitment to refrain from purchasing for one day — a full 24 hours — on the last Friday in November, which is generally the busiest shopping day of the year in North America.

Feel like giving someone you love the gift of release from consumer obligations? Try giving them this certificate, and then spend some quality time together.

Imagine: Freedom from obligation


It is a chance to reflect on the consumption habits of our society, and can also be an opportunity to take action. Some people stage public performances, host do-it-yourself workshops, or put up posters. Others write letters to companies to ask them to alter wasteful practices. And some simply enjoy 24 hours of rest from relentless retail marketing, just click here for more information.

A related campaign — Buy Nothing Christmas — expands on the BND concept.  Originally started in Winnipeg, the idea has been taken up as a new way to take a break from wasteful consumer culture and to reclaim enduring values in year-end holiday celebrations.

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