2011 Winnipeg Bike Map
Find your way to work (and other destinations) with the 2011 Winnipeg Bike Map! Update your route to take advantage of the $20.4 million worth of new cycling and pedestrian infrastructure that was built last year. This fresh version of the Winnipeg Bike Map is available for FREE at bike stores and other retailers, Travel Manitoba kiosks, and community organizations like Green Action Centre. Pick up a copy in your neighbourhood bike store!
Sign up your ride for Commuter Challenge & Bike to Work Day
Whether you’re a seasoned commuting cyclist or new to the seat, join hundreds of other Winnipeggers biking to work during the Commuter Challenge from June 5-11 and on Friday, June 24th, for Bike to Work Day Winnipeg. Sign up to make your bike ride count and be eligible for great prizes not to mention loads of fun.
Bike breakdown? No worries
Even the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) is joining the bike-olution with their new Bike Assist program that offers road side assistance 24/7 in case your bike breaks down mid-ride. CAA is also attempting to broker some increased respect and safety amongst road users with their Watch for Bikes campaign.
Painting lanes: bike-style
City of Winnipeg crews are hard at work getting new paint on the roads to designate bike lanes. Nice to see those freshly painted white bikes on the asphalt!