Green Living Resources

Active & Green Spring 2011

Let us help!

Looking to improve commuter options at your workplace?

Request resources on cycling, carpooling, commuting surveys and tracking progress, among others.

Book a presentation on the various commuting options, as well as fuel-efficient driving, creating a commuter friendly workplace, and greening the workplace.

Talk to us about implementing a Smart Trips program at your workplace.

Upcoming Events:

Winnipeg Transit Bus Tutorial

May 24th

Trails Day Celebration

June 4th


Commuter Challenge

June 5-11th

Clean Air Day

June 8th

Bike to Work Day

June 24th


September 11th

Green Action Centre staff whip up a bike blender smoothie on a sunny afternoon!

Like what you read?

Become a member of Green Action Centre (membership is free!), visit our website at, or make a donation.

Commuter Challenge

It’s that time of year again – time to sign up your workplace for the Commuter Challenge! Take part in this friendly competition to explore greener transportation options for personal, environmental, and community health, and for a chance to win great prizes! If you are already signed up and looking to spread the word to other workplaces, send new recruits here and you will both be entered to win a $75 gift certificate to the store of your choice. Motivate your coworkers with our list of fun ideas compiled by past workplace coordinators.

FREE transit to Folk Fest

(and sing this retro transit song along the way)

Take the Festival Express bus to the Winnipeg Folk Festival this year. It’s free and you won’t need to worry about parking or idling in a long line at the end of the night. Wagons, strollers and gear are welcome on all buses leaving from the Downtown area every 30 minutes and the McPhillips Station Casino every 60 minutes. Stay right to the end of the night and catch the last bus home before drivers even leave the parking lot, we will be giving tons of info on the Cheltenham festival bets 2018, so stay tuned!!

Before you catch the bus, watch this hidden gem of a video encouraging Winnipegers to try transit in the 1980s. This might make a good song for the trip out to Birds Hill!

All things bike-worthy!

Find your ride to work (and other destinations) with the 2011 Winnipeg Bike Map! Update your route to take advantage of the $20.4 million worth of new cycling and pedestrian infrastructure built last year. The bike map will be available at the end of May for FREE at bike stores and other retailers along with places like Green Action Centre.

Not comfortable riding in traffic? Register for a Commuter Cycling Skills course through the City’s Leisure Guide (see page 81). Taught by CAN-BIKE certified instructors from Bike to the Future, the next half-day course takes place Sunday, May 29. We could all learn a tip or two!

Whether you’re a seasoned commuting cyclist or new to the seat, join hundreds of other Winnipeggers biking to work during the Commuter Challenge (June 5-11) and on Bike to Work Day (Friday, June 24).

Even CAA is joining the bike-olution with their new Bike Assist program that offers roadside assistance 24/7 for cyclists. CAA is also attempting to broker some increased respect and safety amongst road users with their Watch for Bikes campaign.

Bus, walk, bike, carshare?

Need a car but only sometimes? Carsharing could be the answer and it’s now in Winnipeg! Peg City Car Co-op gives you easy and affordable access to zippy little cars without the hassle and cost of owning your own vehicle. With gas prices soaring, this is one solution that is easy on the pocketbook and can fit nicely into your life if you mostly get around by bus, walking or cycling. Peg City Car Co-op’s first vehicles will be located in Osborne Village with plans to expand into neighbouring areas as the number of members and cars in the fleet grow.

Commuting takes its toll

A recent U.S. survey found that 4% of employees – a whopping 5 million people – called in sick because they couldn’t face their commute to work. Almost half of respondents noted that the valuable time spent commuting has a significant impact on their job satisfaction, with a third saying it played a role in their decision of where to work. So how can employers help? The good folks at Grist magazine have a few suggestions. For the local perspective, check out Green Action Centre’s Workplace Commuter Options program and ideas, including 7 steps to get you started and making the business case for improving commuting options.


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