Green Living Resources

15 easy energy saving ideas

Are you taking the 1% electricity challenge? (Read about the challenge here) Here are some easy tips to help you cut your electricity use:

  • Switch over a conventional light bulb to a CFL – (but remember to recycle them)
  • Retire your extra refrigerator
  • Attach electronics to power bars
  • Get a drying rack or clothes line
  • Use tumble dryer balls to reduce drying time
  • Turn off lights not in use
  • Only fill your kettle with enough water for the drinks that you are making
  • Use a microwave for reheating
  • Replace appliances with Energy Star recommended products
  • Change your air filters regularly, reducing strain on the electric fan on your furnace
  • Unplug your cell phone charger
  • Turn down water heater temperature to 50 C
  • Insulate your water heater and hot water pipes
  • Get Manitoba Hydro’s water saver kit. Reducing water consumption also saves electricity.
  • Turn off your dishwasher’s drying cycle to allow dishes to air dry.
  • Send us your suggestions to this list!

Sign our petition to Manitoba Hydro CEO, Scott Thomson.

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