Did you know that Winnipeg is home to some really neat sharing & lending programs?

Why should we share vs own individually?

Less production means less extraction of natural resources!
Access over ownership and the sharing economy are important pillars that contribute to a circular economy. By shifting to access over ownership, the responsibility falls to manufacturers to make longer lasting and more efficient products that are designed with repair and reuse as primary considerations. For more information on sharing economy, check out Waste Reduction Week in Canada

Our staff compiled a list of options for those who want to look into sharing economy.

GoManitoba Carpool
– Tool Lending Library @ ArtsJunktion mb (starting at $30/yr)
Little Free Library around Winnipeg
Spence Neighbourhood Tool Lending Library
With the ever-changing situation, please visit the specified websites or follow them on social media to ensure these options are open and running. See Waste Reduction Week in Canada‘s website for more resources on sharing economy!
Know of other sharing opportunities in Manitoba or have tried one of these out? Let us know in the comments what you think!