
New Transit Routes

Mar 20 2025
On June 29th 2025, the City of Winnipeg’s transit system will go through a major change. These changes may seem complicated so we are going to break it down. Read our newest blog entry to learn all about the new routes, how to interpret them, and find your way around the city!

Photo of a woman stepping onto a Winnipeg transit bus

Winnipeg Transit is Changing

On June 29 2025, Winnipeg Transit is changing its system. After years of tweaks, the entire system will go through an overhaul. This new system is going to see more frequent and reliable service.

As with any change, there can be confusion and anxiety. The folks at Green Action Centre want to help you understand the new system. We will walk through some trips to help you prep for summer as well as explain how to interpret the new routes.


If you’re like me, seeing a full map is overwhelming. Let’s break it down. First, let’s look at the legend.

We can see the new system will have eight types of lines:

  1. Rapid Transit: These buses move—you guessed it— rapidly! All stops are spaced further apart to allow this quick movement, and large portions of their route will be on bus-only roadways and lanes, ensuring buses aren’t stuck behind personal vehicle congestion. 
  2. Frequent Express: These buses travel quickly and have sections of their route with few stops.
  3. Frequent: These routes have consistent, regular stops. 
  4. Direct: These routes travel through neighbourhoods with more frequent stops. While these routes are less frequent (10-15 minutes) than the previous lines, they better connect communities without having to go through downtown. 
  5. Connector: These buses travel between communities and aim to get riders to connections on the primary network. 
  6. Community: These routes service lower density neighbourhoods and get riders to community destinations and to routes on the primary network. 
  7. On-request: These routes allow you to book a ride with an app, online, or by calling 311. Learn more here.   
  8. Limited: Like its name suggests, these are buses with limited service destinations (like schools) that see high transit use during short spans of time.

Along the left of the legend, the routes are broken down into Primary Network and Feeder Network. The Primary network aims to provide quick and convenient service to high density neighbourhoods to main destinations. The Feeder Network branches out further across the city to feed into the Primary network. 

Exercise: Can you find your neighbourhood on the map? Which lines will run close to you? 


Creating a system that is more frequent and convenient for more people allows cities to offer more opportunities for folks to access jobs, school, services and recreation more comfortably and reliably. This new system will allow more people of all ages and abilities to access their city with dignity.

BASICS: The Transit Ridership Recipe

For the past number of decades, transit primarily serviced Monday to Friday commuters to downtown. As we know, this way of looking at transit left many people behind (literally!) This new system will better service all Winnipeggers.  


Let’s test out some example trips to get used to the new map!

I live by Kildonan East Collegiate and want to get to the Exchange District for a night out. 

  • The closest FX (frequency express) routes are the FX4 (purple) or the FX3 (pink). 
  • Depending on where exactly you live, you could walk directly to an FX line, hop on a Connector (43 or 38) or take the direct D10 to “feed in” to the frequent lines. 

I am flying into Winnipeg and need to get to St. Boniface. 

  • The airport will be serviced by two Direct lines heading downtown, the D12 and D13. (It’s also being serviced by a Community route for those needing to head North or South of the airport.) 
  • Once you arrive downtown, hop on the FX4 (purple) or F3 (green) on Portage Ave. Both of these lines will get you into St. Boniface.  

I live in Waverly West and need to go to the University of Winnipeg. 

  • You will want to get to the Rapid Transit Blue line. There are a number of Community routes in the area, so hop on whichever is convenient for you. 
  • Once you’re on the Blue line, you can take it directly to the University of Winnipeg. 

I’m at Shaftesbury High School and need to get to the St. Vital Mall. 

  • Hop on the FX3 (pink) line and ride until you reach the Mayfair Station. 
  • From there, hop on the FX2 line all of the way to the St. Vital Mall
  • Option: If you are ok with walking a few blocks, you could ride the Pink FX3 line to the Osborne Station, and take the Green FX6 line and hop off nearby. 


Winnipeg Transit will have the new system up on its Navigo site on April 30th. Not online? You can call 311 for assistance. 


Be sure to check Navigo ahead of the new system launch to confirm where to get on and off of the bus. Winnipeg transit selects bus stops in places that are accessible and convenient for connections.  

We hope we’ve answered a few questions you might have about the new transit routes! You can also visit the Transit website for more information

Do you have more questions? Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can! 

The Green Action Centre Sustainable Transportation Team

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