Plastic Free July, a campaign that started in Australia but has now gained traction world-wide, challenges people to think about the plastic they use in their own lives and take action to reduce it.

Our challenge to Manitobans throughout July is to:

  1. Evaluate what kind of single-use plastics you use in your life (bags, packaging, coffee cups, straws, drink bottles)
  2. Think about ways in which you could move away from using single-use plastics (click here for some ideas)
  3. Commit to making changes!

Why do we think it’s important to cut down on plastic use?

  • Plastic is made from non-renewable fossil fuels
  • Plastic can take up to 1000 years to breakdown, and never totally disappears
  • Plastic often ends up in our waterways, which is detrimental to marine life

2019 Plastic Free July Events

Plastic Free July Kick-Off Lunch

Location: The Forks Market Plaza

Letter Writing Evening

Your Community + Eco-Centre

Documentary Screening

Millennium Library – Carol Shields Auditorium

Interested in hosting a Plastic Free July event? Let us know! We would love to assist you.

Additional Resources

Greener Cleaning Products

Greener Cleaning Products

More time at home makes for the perfect opportunity to green your cleaning routine. Whether you’re looking for eco-friendly alternatives or to make your own, we’ve got tips to help you out!

read more

Posters and Handouts