Frequently Asked Questions

Can I register as an individual?

Yes! You can register as an individual, 2 persons, 3 persons, 4 persons, 5 persons, and even more!

How do I track my kilometres?

We recommend using an activity tracking watch, Google MapsStrava, or our very own GoManitoba App.

Google Maps – Be sure to select your mode of transportation (walking or biking) to give a better estimate of the time it will take.

Google Maps Off-Road – To calculate the distance along a straight line between two points, right-click on the first point and select “Measure distance”. Right-click at the next point in the line and select “Distance to here”. You can add as many points to the path as you like and a total distance will be calculated at the bottom of the page.

Not working? Try these links: (De-select “Snap to Road”) (select “Straight Line”)

How many kilometres of activity do I need during the week? Is 130km the minimum?

It depends on what prizes you want to be eligible to win! The 130 kilometre goal is a collective goal for your team/yourself to strive towards, but it is not a minimum. Even logging a few activities throughout the week will qualify you for participation prizes, or if you meet 26km during the challenge, you will be eligible for the grand prize(s). Have fun with the Challenge, there are no requirements to reach a certain amount of kilometres.

Can my child(ren) under 14 participate?

Absolutely! We put on Jack Frost for kids to allow teachers and parents to sign their kids or students up. There are special kid friendly prizes. If you want your kids to be part of your adult team, you are more then welcome to sign them up for the larger challenge but prize options are geared towards adults, older teens.  Visit this webpage for more information. 

Can ANY group of individuals register as a team?

Yes, any group can sign up! Friends, families, co-workers, classmates, etc.

Typically, the challenge encourages teams of 1-5 people, however, we can accommodate larger groups as well. Teams of more than 5 will not be eligible for team kilometre prizes. 

How can a teacher register their class and input kilometres? 

A teacher can register their class as they would any other team. As for inputting kilometres, there is an option for ‘bulk entry‘ designed for when staff/students cannot register and log kilometres themselves. Track kilometres throughout the week using this spreadsheetEnter cumulative km at the end of the week for each sustainable mode achieved. 

How can a workplace register their team and input kilometres?

A workplace coordinator can register their workplace/team as they would any other team. As for inputting kilometres, there is an option for ‘bulk entry’ designed to enter in all staff kilometres without making individual profiles. Track kilometres throughout the week using this spreadsheet. Enter cumulative km at the end of the week for each active mode. 

How can I change my team name after I have registered?

1. Log in to this page.
2. Go to the options at the top right corner and select ‘profile’
3. Look for the ‘company’ option
4. Edit your team name and hit update

Can I participate even if I don’t live in Winnipeg?

Of course, you can! This is a challenge for ALL Manitobans to take part in. Smaller events during the week are centered in Winnipeg. 

Can I participate even if I don’t live in Manitoba?

Yes, you can! When registering your team, find the message beside the city option to read ‘City not listed here?’
Let us know and we will get it added to the list promptly. Send that email to in order to register under your city. Participants outside of Manitoba will not be eligible for prizes through Green Action Centre. 

Can people without access to a computer or smart phone still participate?

Yes, you don’t need technology to move in winter! People without access to a computer or smart phone may provide their kilometres in person to a team coordinator who could use the ‘bulk entry’ function to input their kilometres for them (we will be preparing a resource for this bulk entry process and a template for coordinators to track kilometres in a spreadsheet). If this is not possible, the person could mail Green Action Centre their kilometres and modes, which we will then manually input into the online system.

How can I support Green Action Centre through my participation?

Thank you for wanting to support Green Action Centre! You can ask friends and families to sponsor the kilometres you log as an individual or as a team. Every bit helps! Find sponsorship details here.

How can I bring the Jack Frost Challenge to my community?

Thank you for wanting to spread the frost! To learn more about becoming a Community Coordinator, see our blog post and resource guide. Please download our promotional materials for distribution when they become available.

What if I forget my password?

Go to the individual registration page, select ‘Forgot Password’ located under the log in fields. If this is not appearing on your screen, try using a different web browser.

Why are my logged ‘other’ activities displaying as ‘walking’?

Unfortunately, that’s a problem with the back end function of the website, at this time it displays everything as walking on the front end. I would recommend tracking the modes of activity separately, in case the issue is resolved it will display your true travel modes. For now, it will combine automatically as walking.

Why can I not see the kilometres I just logged? 

After kilometres are entered, they may not show up in the system right away. This is normal for the system, and your kilometres should show up next time you log in  


If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact our program coordinator or