kids on the move

Between November 2007 and March 2010, a set of guidelines for each province was developed as tools for municipal transportation and land use planners to achieve transportation and land use arrangements that meet the needs of children and youth — and everyone else.

“If we can build a successful city for children we will have a successful city for all people.”

– Enrique Peñalosa, former mayor of Bogotá, Colombia

Introduction and Table of Contents


Part I. Towards Guidelines

Transport and land use
Transport and young people’s health
Identifying the travel needs of children and youth

Part II. The Guidelines

General considerations in guideline development
Putting children and youth first
Providing for children and youth as pedestrians
Providing for children and youth on bicycles (and other wheels)
Providing for children and youth as transit users
Providing for journeys to and from school
Reducing transport’s adverse impacts on children and youth

Part III. Applying the Guidelines

Barriers and actions to overcome the barriers
Involving children and youth in identifying and resolving problems
Towards implementation of the guidelines

The 19 guidelines on one page


End Notes

This project was conducted for the Centre for Sustainable Transportation at the University of Winnipeg and funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.