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GoManitoba: How To Guide – 2023 Update

Oct 26 2023
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So what is GoManitoba

GoManitoba is a province-wide commuting tool bringing the RideAmigos technology to our prairie province. This technology allows people from across Manitoba to connect to share commutes, save money, time and relieve congestion. RideAmigos is most often thought of as a way to find carpool partners, but the functions of the site go well beyond that.

To get started, you need to register into the system. Simply click the Login Here button on the top, right-hand side of your screen. If you don’t yet have an account, select Sign Up.

If you had an account with the previous GoManitoba site on RideShark, you can try logging in with the same email address and create a new password. Users who were active on the previous site were sent an email invitation to create a new account. If your old account was inactive for over a year, you’ll simply be starting fresh with a new account on our new GoManitoba site!

Form to Sign Up for a new account on GoManitoba

From here, input your personal contact details. If you have a work/school email address, we recommend using that email as your primary contact, so the system can let you know if matches are coworkers or go to school at the same place as you.

Once registered, you will find yourself at the Dashboard. The Dashboard is the place for creating your trip profiles, find contests that you can enter, update your personal information, and more!

Dashboard for GoManitoba

During the year, Green Action Centre, and individual partner workplaces, will utilize the Contests and other features to reward individuals using the system. For now, the main thing you want to do are create your Commutes.

Create Commutes for the commutes you regularly make. We all have routine trips, be they to work, school, or regular errands. GoManitoba will use this data to find commute matches for you. Simply hit the Add Another Commute button to create another trip profile.  Create profiles for any recurring trips you make, whether it’s to your workplace, to school, to a weekly meeting, working from home or different shifts.

To toggle between your trips, just click the down arrow. For each commute, you’ll see options for the types of transportation you selected, such as transit trips or carpools. If there is not yet a carpool set up for your trip, you can create one.

An arrow points to the spot you will click to togle between your trips

Remember to ensure messages sent to you will reach your inbox, not your spam filter. You can test this by creating a test trip with a co-worker or friend. Send messages to each other to ensure you are receiving the messages via email or text as you like, and then you can delete that test trip from your profile. Having any issues? Email us at gohappy “at” greenactioncentre.ca.

Now you are ready to log your trips, which will calculate calories burned, emission reductions, money saved, and earn you points for any contests currently running!

And remember, the more people that join the website, the better all of the functions will work. So help us spread the word about GoManitoba to your friends, coworkers and family!

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