In early July, Pathfinders traveled to and attended the St. Theresa Point Bannock Festival in order to host a one day screen-printing activity booth at the festival grounds. Community members were invited to come and make screen-printed shirts for themselves and loved ones, with the designs featuring various Water is Life themed prints. Pathfinders posted on the Bannock Fest Facebook page to help bolster participation.

Our team shared the space with the St. Theresa Point waste management crew, who were running the highly anticipated ice cream booth. Great job ice cream warriors!

The screen-printing booth turned out to be highly successful, with around 70 shirts printed. There was hardly enough space to dry the shirts, as so many were made throughout the day! Community Pathfinders even received a pleasant surprise when a familiar face from Winnipeg popped by to try their hand at screen printing- Manitoba Environmental Industries Association Executive Director Jack Winram.

Photo by Jack Winram

FNWM would like to thank the St. Theresa Point waste management crew, especially Randy Mason, for the invitation and help with accommodations. The community was extremely packed with visitors, but our team was still given a great spot to stay. Pathfinders had a fantastic time in the community, and are looking forward to visiting next year’s Bannock Fest!