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Compost Winnipeg Rolls Out Free Drop-off Locations

Winnipeg residents, did you know you can drop off your food waste for composting to locations across Winnipeg?

Nov 26 2024
Winnipeg Waste compost bins outside in Osborne village

On October 15, 2024, The City of Winnipeg, in partnership with Compost Winnipeg, unveiled 15 new public drop-off locations at community centres around the city. This service is completely free for the public and is expected to run until a city-wide Green Cart curbside food waste collection program is introduced.

Food waste can be brought in paper bags or BPI-certified compostable plastic bags.

View a full list of accepted items or search for individual items using the Recyclepedia. Full list of locations and accepted items are also included at the end of this post.

Find a Location Near You

Why compost?

Keeping food waste out of the landfill significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. For every tonne of food waste we keep out of the landfill, we keep two tonnes of CO2 out of the atmosphere. Since landfills are heavily compacted, there isn’t enough oxygen to allow food to decompose in a healthy way. When food breaks down in this environment it creates methane gas, a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. Food in landfills also causes smelly odors, soil degradation, and reduces the overall lifespan of the landfill.

How does it work?

Picture of a green compostable plastic bag with lettuce inside.

Collecting, storing & transporting food waste

Collect your food waste in a small container or kitchen pail. You can line that container with newspaper, a paper bag, or a BPI-certified compostable bag to keep the container clean and easier to transport your local food waste to the drop off station.

If it will be some time before you drop off your food waste or you are noticing odours, you can store your food waste in reusable food storage containers or in a BPI-certified compostable bag in your freezer. Frozen food waste is less messy, less smelly, and easier to take to a drop off location.

List of Accepted items

Industrial compost facilities can process more items than your typical backyard compost.

Food waste:

  • Fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes
  • Meat, fish, bones
  • Solid fats, dairy, eggs, eggshells
  • Grains (wheat, rice, corn, etc.)
  • Nuts, seeds, chips, candy
  • Coffee, tea, coffee filters, teabags
  • Condiments, sauces
  • Pet food

Paper and cardboard, including:

  • Greasy/soiled paper packaging
  • Pizza boxes (ripped into pieces)
  • Napkins and paper towels
  • Waxed paper, parchment, muffin liners
  • Shredded paper
  • Wood (stir sticks, toothpicks, etc.)


  • Pet and human hair
  • Houseplants
Woman in kitchen adding vegetables to a small composting container.

Non-accepted items

These items are not accepted at food waste drop off stations:

  • Plastic bags
  • Coffee cups
  • Glass
  • Metal
  • Compostable food containers, cups, straws, and utensils
Screenshot of a map of Winnipeg showing little green bins to mark the dropoff locations

List of Locations


For concerns related to the 4R Winnipeg Depot food waste drop off locations, contact 311.

For concerns about accepted items or community centre food waste drop off locations, contact Compost Winnipeg.

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