JUNE 5 – 11, 2016

All Good Things Must Come to an End

The curtains have closed on the 2016 Commuter Challenge, and while my opinion might be a little biased; I’d like to think that as a group Manitobans did a smashing good job. But have no fear you can still get to work in your sustainable mode, in fact now you don’t even have to log things daily! You are free to move sustainably all on your own (I mean not that you weren’t before, I was just trying to turn a phrase, I’m not sure if it worked, let’s just go to the next paragraph…)

And while I’ve completely exhausted both my store of puns about green commuting and event planning skills, I must admit I’m a little sad to see it go. However all is not lost as this is only the beginning of the Manitoba summer and there are so many great things to look forward to! But before we go running full bore into Folk Fest, Fringe Fest , Folklorama, and those endless summer nights of bonfires and camping, how about we quickly take look at how we did in this year’s Commuter Challenge? I promise this will only take a minute, you won’t even miss a beat (provided your general daily pace is governed by beats, if not I highly suggest you change that word to step :-)!

Walk stickerOnce again Manitobans effortlessly dominated the nation with our ability to mosey to work in the greenest of fashions! Our registration rate was nearly double our closest competitor (7,371: 3,763) and our participation was more than double (6,441: 3,061), and finally our percent participation relative to population of the province was nearly 7 times that of the runner up. Dang!

And before I go on, spewing a list of winners and numbers I encourage you to take a look at my first endeavor into the world of Infographics! All of the results have been compiled, stats calculated and woven
with graphics other delightful life advice. (After reading that last sentence I’m starting to realize I think very highly of my first infograph, I apologize if I’ve gotten your hopes up).

If you are still reading, congratulations you have a fantastic attention span, that seems to have outlasted the opportunity go to another link! Although I will warn you that you are headed towards thank yous and good-byes for the season (emotions aren’t my forte, this might be a little awkward, just a warning).

Thank you to the sponsors and prize donors. Thank you all for participating, without you this event would have been nothing more than me sadly staring at the Commuter Challenge Website. However this was far from the case, as you have kept me on my toes (even more so than my favorite pair of heels!) And while I would like keep up this pace, I’m feeling a little bit like Santa in the sense that my work is done and it is just about time for a long winter’s nap (and by winter I mean summer, and by nap I mean basking in the sun and/or patio hopping)!

But whatever you do, enjoy the summer (and the months that follow as well), keep healthy (yourself and the environment) and for goodness sake hydrate and wear sunscreen!