Blog Posts
First Nations Waste Management Professionals Bring Expertise and Stories to 2023 MARR Forum
The MARR (Manitoba Association of Regional Recyclers) held their 2023 forum on Tuesday October 24th and Wednesday October 25th at the Viscount Gort Hotel in Winnipeg. Over 90 communities and organizations were present to discuss and learn about waste management practices across the province.
GoManitoba: How To Guide – 2023 Update
Other helpful GoManitoba content: So what is GoManitoba? GoManitoba is a province-wide commuting tool bringing the RideAmigos technology to our prairie province. This technology allows people from across Manitoba to connect to …
Pine Creek Mattress Removal
In mid-October, First Nations Waste Minimization team members traveled out to Pine Creek First Nation to remove a large load of mattresses from their waste transfer station. Pathfinders rented a 26 foot box truck and drove out to the community, who had seen an influx of mattresses over the past year that were taking up a lot of space.
Mobility Fair Recap!
Our Mobility Fair for Older Adults was a success! A huge thanks is in order for The Winnipeg Foundation for making this event possible!
Vancouver Bike Infrastructure
On my recent spring trip to Vancouver, I was able to see firsthand examples of safe and accessible bike infrastructure. As a Winnipegger who loves to bike, I would love to see our city learn a thing or two.
Black River First Nation Bike Rodeo
On Wednesday July 19, Pathfinders from the First Nations Waste Minimization Team and staff from Winnipeg Trails visited Black River First Nation to participate in a ‘Bike Rodeo’ event, as part of their Treaty Days celebration. The Winnipeg Trails team led a bike repair workshop, while Pathfinders organized fun and competitive races on both the speed and skill courses they designed.
St. Theresa Point Bannock Festival
In early July, Pathfinders traveled to and attended the St. Theresa Point Bannock Festival in order to host a one day screen-printing activity booth at the festival grounds. Community members were invited to come and make screen-printed shirts for themselves and loved ones, with the designs featuring various Water is Life themed prints. Pathfinders posted on the Bannock Fest Facebook page to help bolster participation.
Do we have to convince Winnipeggers to drive less?
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” -Charles Darwin
Island Lake Regional Safety First Training
During the week of June 5 – 7, The First Nations Waste Minimization team partnered with St. Theresa Point First Nation, Wasagamack First Nation, and Garden Hill First Nation to organize an in-community safety training session for waste management staff.