Waste Site


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bins of old computer components, cords, drives, empty ports, etc

Within your landfill or transfer station are a variety of materials that can or should be removed. Some are hazardous and toxic while others can be reused or recycled.

The environmental and health benefits for your community are many. There are also economic reasons, as reducing the amount of materials in your landfill will extend its life.

how to reduce waste book cover

A Toolkit for Manitoba First Nations

Find information on all landfill or transfer station materials in one spot – the Toolkit. Updated as of 2024!


Many of the materials collected at the landfill are hazardous to the land, water, humans, and wildlife. Training is critical to keep landfill staff and community members safe, and protect the land and water for generations to come.


Landfill staff will need a variety of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other supplies to safely and efficiently manage the landfill. Here is a suggested list with estimated prices.


Transporting recyclable and hazardous materials from remote communities presents an additional set of challenges. Starting in 2019-20, industry stewardship groups collaborated with 5 winter road First Nation communities in Manitoba to remove materials.


Handy Contact Lists


Indigenous Zero Waste Technical Advisory Group (BC)

First Nations Waste, Programs / Advisory

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Composting, First Nations Waste, Guide

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Consumer (Household) Batteries

First Nations Waste, Guide

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Electronic Waste

First Nations Waste, Guide

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