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young girl with shoulder length hair, she's wearing a long sleeved shirt with the word happy on it

Youth are most often the most enthusiastic, passionate, and propelled to take action when it comes to protecting Mother Earth. Schools provide the ideal environment for students to learn, understand, and practice how to reduce waste. One of these ways is by learning about the 7R’s of Sustainability: Respect, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Regift, and Rot (compost). As the prophesized Seventh Generation, they will lead the way at inspiring others into taking action within their communities to ensure our planet is here!

Youth can learn a variety of ways to spark change within their communities and educators can help them learn how to take action through activities such as – creating green clubs, having classroom discussions on waste reduction, learning how to live on the land, setting up composting and/or recycling at their school, and more.

Scroll down to learn about our experiences working with First Nation schools in Manitoba and how we continue to inspire children and youth into taking action on protecting Mother Aki!

Protecting Mother Earth for the next seven generations activity book cover

Youth Activity Book on Waste Reduction

Check out our new youth activity book on waste reduction!

It’s filled with fun games, colouring pages, activities, and more. While intended for elementary school children, it’s fun for the whole family. Test your knowledge and request your free copy today.

* Priority will be given to schools, educators, and students who are interested in promoting waste reduction within first nation communities in manitoba.


Earth Keepers Youth Program (AB)

First Nations Waste, Programs / Advisory

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RISE 2022 Webinar Series

The 2022 RISE Webinar Series is a follow-up to the popular series from 2021 and 2020. While the pandemic makes it challenging to gather and learn together in person, we’ve gone virtual…

First Nations Waste

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RISE 2021 Webinar Series

Presenting the 2021 RISE Webinar Series! The 2021 RISE Webinar Series was a follow up to last year’s popular series. While the pandemic makes it impossible to gather and learn…

First Nations Waste

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RISE Webinar Series (May 2020)

Presenting the 2020 RISE Webinar Series! The 2020 RISE Webinar Series was created in response to the pandemic cancellation of the 2020 RISE Teachers’ Conference that was originally scheduled for May…

First Nations Waste

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