Green Living Resources

Rules of the Road for Safe Cycling


woman wearing a helmet and sunglasses as she looks over her shoulder at a crosswalk

Here are the cycling safety recommendations, as taught by CAN-BIKE through MPI’s Cycling Champions Course:


Helmet: Wearing a helmet reduces your chance of head injury by 85%

  • To be effective, a helmet must be properly fitted and fastened
  • Use to 2-V-1 Rule
    • 2 fingers above the eyebrows
    • Straps form ‘V’ under the ears
    • 1 finger under the chin strap
  • Replace your helmet if:
    • You’ve had an accident
    • There is any apparent damage
    • There is any cracking in the shell or styrofoam
    • Any of the straps or buckles are damaged

Clothing: Wear bright coloured clothing and reflective gear, such as; a strap or vest, when applicable (this is not mandatory, but is recommended when cycling in the dark)

Glasses: Wearing glasses will help protect your eyes from flying debris and dust

Gloves: Wearing gloves helps with grip when wet and protects hands in case of a fall

Gear: Bicycle safety equipment

  • Lights from dusk till dawn
    • White/amber on the front (required by law)
    • Red flashing on the rear (reflector minimum required by law)
  • Reflective tape/bands
    • Front and rear as well as on your clothing
    • Wrist and ankle bands recommended
  • Bell/Whistle/Horn
    • Used to warn others when overtaking them


  • Fenders
    • Helps to keep lights and reflectors clean
    • Keeps your clothes cleaner and dryer
  • Rack and Panniers
    • Mount on the front or rear
    • Preferred over backpacks, which can reduce one’s ability to manoeuvre
  • Water Bottle
    • Have a bottle with you to keep hydrated while you ride
  • Mirrors
    • Keep in mind, having a mirror does not replace the need for a shoulder check


Riding on the Right:

  • Generally, you follow the right-most lane that will take you where you want to go
  • Exceptions to this rule include, but are not limited to:
    • You are turning left
    • You are passing a slower vehicle (on the left)
    • One way streets


  • Always be aware of your surroundings and be ready to react


  • Leave yourself enough room to manoeuvre at all times
    • A cyclist is to ride as far to the right of the road as safe and practicable
    • ‘Practicable’ means it is for you to decide where it is safe to ride
      • It is recommended that cyclists ride approximately one metre from the curb
    • Don’t ride too close to the curb, as you will be forced to  move into traffic to avoid potholes, debris, car doors, and joints
      • Some situations may require you to ride further from the curb, such as;
        • Narrow lanes
        • Construction zones
        • Poor road conditions
        • Riding at the same speed


  • Stay in the motorist’s field of vision
  • Wear appropriate safety equipment and clothing
  • Stay out of the door zone


  • Ride in a straight line
    • Avoid weaving in and out of parked cars


  • Signal to let other road users know what you are doing
  • Shoulder checking is a helpful sign to indicate that you are about to make a move, but this doesn’t mean you can go without a signal
  • Shoulder check, signal, check again!


Cyclists should do their best to plan turns in advance, especially on multi-lane roadways. Positioning and communication can help make turns safer.

Right Turns:

  • When approaching an intersection, shoulder check to ensure it is safe to do so, then move closer to the middle of the right-most lane
    • This position will maximize your visibility and will discourage drivers from attempting to pass you
    • Follow the same path that a motor vehicle would take, arriving in the centre of the lane
    • After completing the turn, signal accordingly and return to the right-most practicable position

Left Turns:

  • Left turns are more challenging and require more planning, as a cyclist moves into active traffic lanes
    • Never make a left turn from the right side of the road
    • Shoulder check well in advance of your turn to determine the best opportunity to change positions in the roadway. This may require several shoulder checks before signalling and changing lanes
    • After the roadway is cleared or there is an opening in traffic, signal, then begin moving to the left to position yourself for a left turn
  • The Highway Traffic Act does not specify a cyclist’s proper position in turn lanes, however, it is recommended that the cyclist stays in the centre of the left turning lane.
    • This position ensures visibility and prevents other vehicles behind from passing on the left or right
    • Always check oncoming traffic, including any vehicles turning right onto the same road you are entering
  • When turning, follow the same path that a motor vehicle would take, arriving in the centre of the lane.
    • Once established after the turn, signal and return to the right-most practicable position when it is safe to do so

Multi-Lane Turns:

  • When turning onto a roadway with multiple lanes, always travel from the left lane to left lane (inside to inside)
  • Once you have completed the turn, shoulder check, signal and move to the appropriate position along the right side

Multi-Turn Lanes:

  • When there is more than one turn lane, you should pick the lane best suited to your destination
    • If you are planning to carry on straight or make a right turn after your initial turn, choose the right-most turn lane
    • If you are planning to turn left again shortly after your initial turn, choose the left-most turn lane

Pedestrian Turns:

  • When traffic is too heavy for you to negotiate your turn, you can always revert to being a pedestrian
    • Ride to the opposite side of the intersection and dismount your bike
    • Cross the intersection as a pedestrian
    • Remount on the other side once traffic has cleared


  • When proceeding through a yield, it is recommended that cyclists move closer to the middle of the right-most lane.
    • This position ensures visibility and prevents other vehicles behind from trying to overtake you and squeezing you out along the curb
    • Shoulder check and signal before moving over in the lane
    • Once you have completed the turn, signal and return to the right-most practicable position


Sidewalk Riding:

  • Unless your tire diameter is 41 cm or less, it is illegal to ride on a sidewalk
    • It is also dangerous, with over 20% of bicycle vehicle collision claims occurring when leaving a sidewalk and crossing a road, due to low visibility and unpredictability

Road Hazards:

  • In poor weather, leave extra room for manoeuvring and stopping
  • Avoid roadway cracks or joints running parallel to the road
  • Avoid puddles as they hide potholes, broken glass, and other hazards
  • Avoid sewer grates with openings running parallel to the road
  • Always cross railway tracks at a right angle

Night Riding:

  • Riding at night, especially dawn and dusk can be more dangerous
  • Be visible by wearing bright colours (like white or yellow) and reflective material
    • Use reflective bands on your wrists to make hand signals more visible
    • You must (according to the Highway Traffic Act) have a white light at the front and a red amber reflector at the rear


Diamond Lanes:

  • Lanes specifically reserved for buses, cyclists, and emergency vehicles
  • Created to increase the speed and reliability of transit service while providing a safe lane for cyclists
  • Motorists can only enter a diamond lane to make a right turn at the next intersection
    • Some diamond lanes are in effect all the time, while others are reserved for certain days and times
    • Ensure that you check the sign to see when these routes are in force
  • It is recommended that you ride in the middle of the lane to avoid being squeezed out by large buses
    • However, it is important to use good judgement when determining your position
    • Unless you are able to stay in front of the bus, slow down and remain behind the bus to avoid leapfrogging

Bike Lanes:

  • Painted lanes provide cyclists with a defined space, providing a visual sign to drivers that cyclists have a right to the road
  • Vehicles are to stay out of bike lanes but are able to cross them at any time
    • Stay alert for motorists crossing to park or make a right turn
    • Stay alert for motorists exiting a parked car (i.e. stay out of the door zone)
  • Never turn left from a bike lane


  • Encourages cyclists and motorists to ‘Share the Road’
    • Generally intended for roadways with lanes wide enough for ‘side-by-side’ operation
    • However, motorists must always pass at a safe distance and cyclists should never pass on the right side

Traffic Calming Circles and Roundabouts:

  • Travel through the circle in a counter-clockwise direction, entering and exiting the circle has the right of way
    • A motorist or cyclist already in the circle has the right of way
    • Like a four-way stop, if you arrive at the same time, yield to the vehicle on the right
  • Watch for pedestrians and be prepared to stop

Multi-Use Paths:

  • Intended for use by a variety of users including cyclists, pedestrians, and rollerbladers
  • Paths are physically separated from roadways
    • Courtesy and communication are keys when using these paths
    • Slow down when passing other users
    • Remain vigilant when the path crosses a roadway

There you have it!

To ensure same Same Roads, Same Rules, Same Rights – cyclists have to do their best to follow the rules.

If you have any further questions, refer to the Bike Safety Handbook or comment below.

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