Green Living Resources

52 Ways To Stop Food Waste Now!


by reducing food waste, we could reduce global emissions by 8-10%

Why should we care about food waste? Well, currently, over half (58%) of all food produced is wasted in Canada, and it’s costing Canadians $50 billion dollars! And that smell in the landfill? That’s food waste releasing methane! Methane is known to be 84 times more powerful that carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas over a ten year period. Therefore, we can make a difference right now, by not sending our organics to the landfill, and hopefully these tips give you many ways in which to do that.

If you’ve missed a few, no worries – just catch up on them by clicking on the date below to read all of them so far. We will keep updating them until the end of the full year (March 31), so keep checking back.

Do you have a tip for us? We would love to hear it! Just leave us a comment in the comment box below. Have an idea for a tip we should research? Let us know those too, in the comments section below.

April 2 –Meal planning
April 9 –Easter egg dyeing with food scraps
April 16 –Portion planner
April 23 –Manitoba CSA
April 24 –International ‘Stop Food Waste Day’
April 30 –Understanding Best Before Dates   vs…
May 7 –…Expiration Dates
May 14 –Imperfect vegetables
May 21 –Fruit Share
May 28 –Regrowing vegetables from scraps
June 4 –Composting
June 11 –Leftover pickle or olive juice uses
June 18 –Refrigerator storage
June 25 –Storing lettuce
July 9 –Reviving wilted lettuce
July 23 –Leftover berries tips/recipes
July 30 –Produce bags
August 6 –Canning
August 13 –Leftover avocado
August 20 –Carrot top pesto
August 27 –Preserving
September 3 –How to properly eat an apple
September 10 –Fridge food waste list
September 17 –Grocery lists
September 24 –Food pooling 
October 1 –ShareWaste website
October 8 –Thanksgiving leftover recipes
October 15 –Leftover wine
October 22 –Take your lunch to work
October 29 –Don’t waste your jack o’lantern
November 5 –Washing your recycling
November 12 –Flashfood app
November 19 –Softening hardened brown sugar
November 26 –Avoid the bulk trap
December 3 –Reducing Holiday food waste
December 10 –Mythbusting compostable plates/cutlery
December 17 –
December 24 –Sharing Holiday leftovers
December 31 –Freezer inventory
January 7 –Go meatless
January 14 –Freeze cheese
January 21 –Freeze eggs
January 28 –Freeze more food items!
February 4 –Bubble wrap your produce
February 11 –Choosing the right fridge crisper drawer
February 18 –Donating food – the Good Samaritan Act in Canada
February 25 –Useful kitchen tools
March 3 –Your food waste reduction tips
March 10 –Our favourite food waste recipe books
March 17 –Grow a garden
March 24 –Freezer storage guide
March 31 –Items you didn’t know you can compost

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