
Jordan Guiboche

Jordan Guiboche

Community Pathfinder, First Nations Waste Minimization

Jordan’s interest in community-based work began when he attended the Katimavik program after completing high school in Norway House Cree Nation. This led him to volunteer with various compost and environmental organizations, and gave him experience in connecting with organizations, resource-gathering, team-building, building community relationships, and facilitating. After spending 4 years working full-time in a classroom as an Education Assistant (EA) with the Seven Oaks School Division while also working on a degree in Education at the University of Winnipeg through the Community-based Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (CATEP), Jordan decided it was time for a career change. He has a strong sense of concern for the environment that fits well with the mission of the First Nations Waste Minimization program and Compost Winnipeg, where he worked briefly before moving over to the First Nations program. As a single Indigenous father, Jordan works to change stereotypes and provide a good future for his son Aldrian. In his free time, you can find Jordan jamming on his guitar, playing video games, long-distance walking, or taking care of his son.

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