Green Living Resources

Scrabble your coasters

Board games sure are a fun thing to pull out on a night with some friends, but when you’re missing some pieces, especially when it’s a game of Scrabble, it sure throws a monkey wrench into those plans. Instead of leaving it sit on the shelf to collect dust, or worse, throwing it away, I found a better solution to dealing with a few missing tiles. I’m a crafty person who loves DIY projects, and when I found out I can make cool drink coasters out of old scrabble tiles, I jumped on it!

I can’t take all the credit though, since I found this fabulous idea while browsing through Pinterest one day. I already had the letter tiles, I just needed some cork and glue. Sounds simple enough, and it was!

I first browsed through the letter tiles I had left to try to come up with 4-letter words for each one.WINE, ICED, CORK and AGED are an example of words for one coaster you can assemble. * Have all of your tiles for each coaster arranged first to make sure you have the letters you need or if you need to rearrange.*

Then, take the cork you have, mine was a large sheet of cork, and arrange and glue the letters starting with the top row to the top edge of the cork square. I used E-6000 glue to make sure the tiles stuck, but make sure to use it in a well ventilated area since the fumes are quite potent. A glue gun may also be used.

After you finished gluing each tile down for all four rows, place the coaster under a heavy book to ensure the tiles dry flat onto the cork and don’t buckle. Let them dry for an hour and then use an X-acto knife to trim off the extra cork around the tiles.

Ta-dah! You now have fancy Scrabble tile coasters to grace your table or give away as gifts! Not only do they prevent water rings but they also act as a great conversation piece.

Now onto the next DIY project!

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