Green Living Resources

Crazy for Compost Video Contest Guidelines/Rules

The Crazy for Compost Video Contest is administered by Green Action Centre (GA). The goal of the video contest is to select 5 schools to start or expand a school-wide composting program. There are cash prizes for the winning video creators/winning schools as well as composting bins, tools and expert help for winning schools (see Prizes).

GA reserves the right to cancel, modify, extend or suspend the contest for any reason. GA shall not be held responsible for any negligence, injury, loss or damage that may arise or occur in connection with the contest.


  • Entrants may be an individual student, several students, a student group or club, one or more classes, or the entire school from Kindergarten to grade 12 in the Manitoba Capital Region.

– The Capital Region includes the following; the City of Winnipeg; the City of   Selkirk; the Town of Stonewall; and the Rural Municipalities of Cartier, East St. Paul, Headingley, Macdonald, Ritchot, Rockwood, Rosser, St. Andrews, St. Clements, St. Francois-Xavier, Springfield, Taché, and West St. Paul.

  • Schools with an existing composting program may also participate in the contest.
  • There are two categories for entries; K to Gr. 6, and Gr. 7 to Gr. 12.
  • There can be more than one entry per school. However, an individual, class or group can only submit one video.
  • There is no entry fee for the contest.
  • The contest is not open to immediate family members (parents, siblings, children or spouse) of employees of GA or contest judges.
  • Entrants agree to be bound by the official Contest Guidelines/Rules and decisions of the judges.


  • The video must show why your school wants help to start or expand a composting program.
  • The length of the video must be between 60 and 120 seconds, including a title slide/screen with the video’s title, the school name, and the names of the video creators.
  • Videos must be in .mpeg4, .wmv, .avi, .mov, .mp4 or .mpg format, and be no larger than 200 MB in size.
  • Professional assistance is not allowed. Adults may assist with the video, but they should not be considered professionals in video creation, production, editing, etc.
  • Sign-up of all eligible entrants is through allowing GA to track the progress of the contest and send any updates, resources or news.
  • Copyrighted materials (music, images, etc.) may not be used without proper licence agreements. Written permission must be obtained and provided upon request for all copyrighted materials.
  • Content must comply with all federal, provincial and local laws. Content must not 1) promote illegal behavior; 2) support racial, religious, sexual or other prejudice; 3) advocate sexual or violent exploitation; 4) violate rights established by law or agreement; 5) invade the privacy of any person; or 6) be otherwise inappropriate as determined by GA in its sole and conclusive determination.


  • To participate in the contest, the entrant must identify a Composting Program Leader, who will oversee the Composting Program from May 2014 to December 2015, maintain communications with GA about the Program, and ensure the school adheres to the following commitments;
    a. Work with GA to start or expand a school-wide Composting Program, which includes compost bin installation, composting education and maintenance.
    b. Perform a waste audit at the beginning and end of the program, with the assistance of a GA representative.
    c. Estimate the amount of waste (measured in 4 litre pails) that is composted each week, use the tracking forms provided and submit results to GA.
    d. Help promote GA’s composting presentations for families and distribute composting information to families. Six families will be selected to receive personalized composting help and start-up kits (composting bin, aerating tool and kitchen scrap pail). More details will be provided at a later date.
    e. Assist with the distribution of a family composting survey.
  • All video submissions should be made with a full understanding of and commitment to the 2-year Composting Program.


  • Submissions must include the video, completed Entry Form with Compost Program Leader signature, and signed Parental Permission Forms for all students under the age of 18 appearing in the video.
  • Submissions can be sent:
    By Mail:

    Crazy for Compost Video Contest
    Green Action Centre
    303 Portage Ave., 3rd Floor
    Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B4

Videos can be uploaded to the free file sharing site such as
Forms can be sent via [email text=”email”][/email] to: sylvie(at)

  • Deadline for submissions is 5:00 PM CST on May 9, 2014.
  • Entrants will be notified by email that their submissions have been received.
  • Entrants should keep a copy of their video. GA will not return videos, and is not responsible for any videos that are lost or damaged.
  • All submissions will be screened by GA and its judges and only those that comply with the Contest Guidelines/Rules will qualify.


  • A panel of judges selected by GA will review eligible submissions received on or before May 9, 2014.
  • Judges will choose five winning videos based on how well they meet the criteria (overall message, compost understanding, creativity and quality) as outlined in the Judging Form. The judges’ decisions are final.
  • Winners will be announced on May 16th, 2014.
  • Winners will be contacted by email and/or phone.


  • Five winning videos will be selected, with at least one from each of the two categories (K-Gr6 and Gr7-Gr12)
  • The five schools associated with the winning videos will receive:
    a. $300 cash prize, of which $100 is to be awarded to the video creators and $200 to be used in connection with the Composting Program (eg. Incentives, rewards, prizes). The cash prize will be in form of a cheque addressed to the school.
    b. A triple-bin composting system and tools
    c. Expert composting help from GA until December 2015, which includes; guidance in implementing a successful composting system, school visits, class presentations and waste audits.
    d. Students will receive composting resources such as brochures for residential composting
    e. How-to-compost presentations will be available for parents.
    f. Six families will be selected to receive personalized composting help, with home visits, compost bin and tools.
  • The prizes must be accepted as awarded without substitution and are not transferable, except at the sole discretion of GA.
  • By accepting the prizes, winners agree to hold GA and its employees harmless against any and all claims and liability arising out of use of such prizes.
  • Those not awarded a prize will receive composting information electronically.


  • Entrants’ information may be used by GA for future communication on GA’s programs and services.
  • GA may use, reproduce or use portions of the video for editorial, advertising, promotional and educational awareness purposes through various media and at various venues, without further compensation or notification to the entrant.
  • By entering the contest, entrants acknowledge and agree that their videos may receive media coverage and used for publicity.
  • GA may post school composting program results on its website.


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