Green Living Resources

Sun & walking & frogs? Oh my!

This year, Green Action Centre spent Clean Air Day on June 5th with the students and staff of École Robert H Smith School! The weather was excellent for a morning walk, and everyone was excited to participate. Our own Green Action Centre frog mascot came along for the walk and with some music accompanying us, the students and parents danced their way to school that morning! Even Councillor John Orlikow came along to celebrate the event and told us of his experiences walking to school. Green Action Centre also had the opportunity to present prizes to the Clean Air Day poster contest winner and runner-up to Jenna and Juliana from the school to round-out the celebration. We hope everyone had a great event!

All schools across Manitoba that participated in Clean Air Day still have a chance to win some amazing prizes from our wonderful sponsors by sending in their tally sheets. Thank you to Bikes & Beyond, MPI, Olympia Cycle and Ski and Healthy Schools in motion  for the donations!

We would love to see you back for International Walk to School Month, so registration is now open for 2013! Sign-up here!

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