We love dirt! Have you been thinking about composting, but are just not sure where to start. Check out our new video and see just how easy it is.
The video features one of our Master Composters, Linda Olsen giving you the simple facts about composting. Composting is a great way to reduce your waste while at the same time producing a rich natural fertilizer and soil amendment for your garden.
The video was produced with support from Assiniboine Credit Union. A big thank you to local filmmakers Chris Paetkau and Trevor Gill for their insight, creativity and the endless hours they spent making this video such a great educational tool for Green Action Centre.
Green Action Centre is offers composting presentations throughout the year at a variety of locations around Winnipeg. We also offer a toll free compost info line. (1-866-394-8880 or in Winnipeg at 204-925-3777) for all your questions. Feel free to visit us at www. greenactioncentre.ca