Green Living Resources

A New Sustainable Development Act for Manitoba

Update March 21, 2013: Read Green Action Centre’s submission for the Green Prosperity Act.

Just before Christmas, the Manitoba government launched a consultation asking citizens their views on a proposed Green Prosperity Act. The new act proposed to ensure a sustainable and prosperous environment for future generations and is intended to update and replace the Sustainable Development Act passed in 1997

The consultation document properly identifies some environmental issues and challenges for Manitoba in the twenty-first century including a greener economy, climate change, safeguarding our water, air and land, protecting biodiversity, and environmental education.

It also poses some interesting questions for Manitobans concerning the principles and guidelines that should guide Manitoba’s society, environment and economy over the next ten years, how sustainable development should be funded and even how we ought to define sustainability. These are challenging issues for all Manitobans. Green Action Centre welcomes the opportunity for these discussions.

If you would like to participate in the consultation, Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship is accepting feedback at:

Meanwhile, Green Action Centre is planning its response to the consultation document. If you have ideas you would like to see incorporated in a new sustainability strategy for the province, e-mail us at:

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