Green Living Resources

Spreading holiday joy with a “Cycle of Giving.”

Back by popular demand, The WRENCH is once again coordinating an event to transform salvaged and donated used bicycles into holiday dreams come true. The “Cycle of Giving” (COG) will bring volunteer bike mechanics together to build over 180 bicycles for Winnipeg children in need.  They also hope to raise $15,000 to purchase lights and locks to go with those bike.

On December 15th – 16th the Atomic Centre @ 167 Logan will be transformed into The Wrench’s magical workshop to build the needed bicycles. You can help by:

  • Volunteering! Sign up at or call 296-3389
  • Donating online, at the WRENCH (1057 Logan Ave, Thursday 12:30 –  5 pm) or donate to the WRENCH at any Assiniboine Credit Union.
  • Donate kids bicycles (8″- 20″ wheels). Bicycles can be dropped off at the WRENCH, 1057 Logan Ave (same hours as above) or at the Bike Dump, 631 Main Sunday 12-3 – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 6 – 9 pm
  • Tell a friend about Cycle of Giving!

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