Green Living Resources

Board and Committee Participation

As a non-profit organization, Green Action Centre relies on an elected community board to govern and support our work.  If you would like to share your time and skills with us, we invite you to consider these important roles with the organization.  Please note, a member of Green Action Centre can join our Committees without also being a member of the Board.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors at Green Action Centre offers policy direction, governance and support for all of the activities of the organization. Meeting once a month, the board works to ensure that extraordinary staff and volunteers who work with us and our programs have all of the resources and support that they need. By offering appropriate governance and financial planning the board also oversees the future direction of the organization. Our Board members have expressed what a rewarding experience it is to oversee the work of Green Action Centre, done by everyday Manitobans, in support of a greener, better Manitoba. If you are interested in supporting Green Action Centre in this way please contact us at

Membership and Communications Committee

The Membership and Communications Committee works together to plan for communications with members and the broader community about the work of Green Action Centre. Recent activity includes participating in organizing the Get Your Green On event last November, fundraising among members, and contributing to redevelopment of the website. Over the coming year, this committee will focus on continuing to grow the membership of Green Action Centre, implementing a fundraising plan, and refining the communications approach of Green Action Centre. In 2011/12 this committee will work through in person meetings 2-3 times and via email at other times to accomplish our work. If you are interested in being a part of this work please contact us at

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee seeks to promote discussion and formulate social policy analysis and recommendations on issues of sustainability. For example, we have worked extensively on waste reduction and recycling policies and on transportation policies for both Winnipeg and Manitoba. We have also addressed energy and climate change issues before Public Utilities Board hearings on Manitoba Hydro programs and rates. You can sample our policy briefs to become more familiar with our work here. If you wish to join our monthly meetings and email exchanges to propose measures Manitoba could adopt to become more sustainable, contact us at

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