Ani Terton is a Canadian Youth Delegate to the COP17 international climate change negotiations in Durban, South Africa. She will be regularly contributing blog posts to Living Green, Living Well throughout the conference. Read her daily updates below:
The conclusion of the never ending negotiations, Dec 10, 2011
The Kyoto Protocol has survived in large part because of the positive momentum created by an alliance of the European Union, small island states and the least developed countries.
“It always seems impossible until it’s done”, Dec. 9, 2011
I am streaming through the halls of the ICC in Durban looking for my future.
North American youth united on climate action, Dec 8, 2011
After nearly two weeks of stalled progress by the Canada and the United States at the international climate talks, U.S. youth spoke out for a real, science-based climate treaty.
Youth turn their backs on Canadian Government in Durban, Dec 7, 2011
Members of the Canadian Youth Delegation staged a walk out today as Environment Minister, Peter Kent delivered his opening address at the United Nations climate negotiations in Durban, South Africa.
Canada denies “arm-twisting” in UN climate talks,Dec 5, 2011
Read the story of how our delegate in Durban, Ani Terton, challenges Canadian lead negotiator, Guy St. Jacques on his arm twisting of developing nations, and St. Jacques’ surprising response.
Canadian youth apologize to Africa and the world, November 30, 2011
This morning an apology letter by the Canadian Youth Delegation, was published in The Mercury, a Durban daily newspaper. The letter cites irresponsible Canadian policies, such as Environment Minister Peter Kent’s declaration to defend the tar sands at the COP17 climate negotiations and Canada’s recent rejection of the Kyoto Protocol.
Don’t let Canada kill the Kyoto Protocol, November 29, 2011
If adjusting to a giant conference centre in a distant hemisphere were not disorienting enough, Environment Minister, Peter Kent announced he wants to play hardball with the world and pull out of the Kyoto Protocol. Read more of Ani Terton’s update from Durban.
Working Today – Saving Tomorrow Today, November 28, 2011
The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa begins today and will host thousands of delegates including me for two weeks. I arrived about 48 hours ago in Durban, after a 56-hour trip half around the world to the Southern hemisphere.
Looking ahead to Durban climate talks, November 24, 2011
In less than a week, representatives from more than 190 countries from all over the world will come together to meet in Durban, South Africa for the 17th annual Conference of the Parties (COP17) United Nations negotiations on climate change. The goal is to find a solution to the global threat of human-made climate change.