On June 30, 2011, the Provincial Active Transportation Advisory Group officially handed off their recommendations on how to improve active transportation (AT) in Manitoba to the Hon. Ron Lemieux, Minister of Local Government, and the Hon. Erin Selby, Minister of Advanced Education and Literacy. Janice Lukes, chair of the advisory group and passionate AT advocate through the Winnipeg Trails Association, delivered a strong and stirring call for action at the event (read her full remarks).
Check out the Greater Strides document for details on the 25 recommendations that flesh out the following five objectives for AT in Manitoba:
- Develop a provincial policy and co-ordinated approach to active transportation
- Create a benchmark and set measurable targets to guide the development of a safe, sustainable and cohesive active transportation network
- Build safe and connected active transportation networks
- Explore opportunities to raise awareness and provide training and incentives to motivate Manitobans to choose safe active transportation options more often
- Establish a platform for building a sustainable future for active transportation
With the blueprint for active transportation now in place, it’s a matter of seeing what the Province will choose to do with these recommendations.