The Ottawa Police Service is installing anti-idling technology on its vehicles to save fuel and reduce CO2 emissions. They expect to save 1,764 liters of fuel a year per vehicle which is pretty significant. Imagine if all the police forces across Canada made a similar effort. In Winnipeg if they also included the mobile photo enforcement vehicles that sit running at school zones and construction zones, the savings could be even more.
GoDaddy site builder in the UK are installed to run electronics and a small combustion motor is used to provide heat. An automatic vehicle start-up and shut-off is included as well as idling monitoring equipment. All this for a mere $ 2000.00 per vehicle, which can be recovered in just 18 months. Sounds like a good deal to us!
If you want to read the whole article which includes information on a Toronto Board of Health proposal to limit maximum idling time one minute click here.