Green Living Resources

Kick-off to the 2011 Commuter Challenge!

Winnipeg (May 26, 2011)—Join the Honourable Jim Rondeau, Minister of Healthy Living, Deputy Mayor Justin Swandel, Mr. Glenn Schnieder, Public Affairs Manager, Manitoba Hydro, and Green Action Centre to kick-off the 12th annual Commuter Challenge! Copies of the updated 2011 Winnipeg Bike Map will also be available.

10 a.m., Thursday, May 26

Manitoba Hydro Place outdoor plaza

Corner of Edmonton and Graham

(Rain location: Manitoba Hydro Place foyer)

The Commuter Challenge, which takes place from June 5-11, is an annual friendly competition that encourages Manitobans to choose active and green commuting options. Individuals who bus, walk, cycle, carpool, telecommute or use any form of green commuting during that week are eligible to win great prizes! Manitobans can visit to register as an employee with their workplace or as an individual, and log their green km during the week of the Commuter Challenge.

Last year, over 8,100 employees at 197 workplaces participated, helping Winnipeg snag first place over other cities in our population category, including Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa.

The Commuter Challenge in Manitoba is organized by Green Action Centre, a non-profit, non-governmental hub for greener living based in Winnipeg. Sponsors of the 2011 Commuter Challenge include: the Government of Manitoba, The City of Winnipeg, Winnipeg Transit, MTS, Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba Hydro, Investor’s Group, Great West Life, Manitoba Public Insurance, and Assiniboine Credit Union.

For more information, please contact:

Francine Carrier, Commuter Challenge Coordinator

Green Action Centre

Tel:  (204) 925-3779


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