International Compost Awareness Week is just around the corner and the theme for this year is “Give Back to the Earth … COMPOST!”
To celebrate this week Green Action Centre is offering two FREE compostingworkshops and giving away a FREE compost bin. If you register for a workshop you will automatically be entered into the draw for the free compost bin. The first workshop is on backyard composting at the Millennium Library, 251 Donald Street on Tuesday, May 8th from 12:00 – 1:00 PM. The other will be on vermicomposting, indoor composting with Red Wriggler worms, on Thursday, May 10th from 7:00 – 8:30 PM at the Eco-Centre. At this workshop, you may choose to purchase a worm bin to bring home!
Here are a few ideas as to how you can celebrate along with us:
- Get started composting. Build a bin or buy a bin (see below for more information)
- Already composting but have questions/concerns? Explore our website or contact us .
- No back yard? Live in an apartment? Check out vermicomposting with red wriggler worms! We’re having a workshop on this too!
- If you are have a community compost, host an open-house and show others in your community the benefits of composting.
- Get your workplace or school started on composting. Contact us, we can help!
As International Compost Awareness Week comes to a close on May 12, the City of Winnipeg will again be holding its annual Compost Bin and Rain Barrel Sale. These sales are being held at 4 different locations around the city and everyone is welcome to come out and purchase a compost bin and/or rain barrel at a subsidized rate. Green Action Centre will be at all the sale locations to provide information and answer your questions about composting. Check our webpage or the City of Winnipeg website for more information.
And finally, on the heals of these two great events Green Action Centre will be offering more free composting workshops at a variety of locations around the city. Remember by registering for a workshop you will automatically be entered to win a free compost bin.
Composting is a great way to reduce waste and your environmental impact while at the same time giving your yard the benefit of a FREE fertilizer. Composting is easy and it’s worth it!