Green Living Resources

“Surprised and confused” about visible recycling levy

April 16, 2010

It has left many Manitobans scratching their heads. They thought that the 2-cent levy on beverage containers was supposed to disappear from cash register receipts in the province after March 31. But many consumers are finding the charges still listed on their bills.

In Green Action Centre’s understanding, this is not how Manitoba’s new ‘extended producer responsibility’ program was supposed to work. There were to be no visible, non-refundable levies on beverage containers under the new approach. Manitoba’s Conservation Minister said as much in correspondence with Green Action Centre (then RCM) in December 2008 and in a letter to industry stewards on January 12, 2009.

Now a new organization of brand owners – the Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association – has popped up and announced it is going to keep charging customers the levy. What gives?

Green Action Centre has provided a brief on its views of how Extended Producer Responsibility is supposed to work and asked the current Minister of Conservation for clarification.

Green Action Centre is a non-profit environmental group with a longstanding interest in waste reduction.

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