Green Living Resources

Saving Energy & Money

Did you know…a 600-watt photocopier left on standby for 24 hours a day uses about $750 of electricity in a year?

If this machine is turned on only during normal working hours two thirds of this electricity will be saved. (New Zealand Ministry for the Environment)

Reducing workplace energy use, and finding alternative energy sources, reduces the environmental impact of that workplace. There are plenty of things to do that reduce energy usage and make a difference.

Practical Energy Tips for the Workplace

  • Promote resource-conserving products such as recycling bins, low-flow showerheads, mulching lawnmowers, organic foods and other environmentally friendly goods. These can be promoted as retail options if your workplace is a retailer, or as options for within the workplace.
  • Install energy-efficient fluorescent lights. These are more expensive initially, but pay for themselves many times in the long run through lower energy bills.
  • Install programmable electronic thermostats to reduce heating/air conditioning during non-business hours.
  • Turn off all unnecessary lights, computer and equipment at the end of the day.
  • Consider other ways in which energy is used in your workplace. Products that are bought and/or sold by your workplace require energy too – learn more about where the energy inputs are and shoose products that are less energy-intensive.
  • Implement alternative forms of energy like solar, wind and biomass. How can your workplace use these forms of energy to an advantage?
  • Tell others what you are doing. You deserve to be recognized for your efforts!

Check Out

For a more comprehensive plan for energy-saving in business, contact the experts at Manitoba Hydro’s Power Smart for Business program. Click on the links on their home page for information on Power Smart solutions for commercial, farm and industrial customers.

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