1. Being in a room full of people that were all there to learn and share ideas about sustainable transportation (Photo credit: Tony Hull)
2. This shared-use road
3. Hearing from Charles T Brown about transportation equity (Photo credit: Tony Hull)
4. Driving a Peg City Car Co-op car to another country
5. All the amazing cycling and pedestrian bridges in Minneapolis
6. This informal ‘public engagement’ found in a bookstore in Dinkytown – a neighbourhood in Minneapolis
7. Learning about what other Safe Routes to School programs are up to (Photo credit: Tony Hull)
8. This delicious bartop diner breakfast
9. Experiencing the cycling infrastructure in Minneapolis – a city with a similar winter climate to ours! (Photo credit: Tony Hull)
10. Lastly, it was a highlight just to be able to attend this conference at all. We both learned a lot and made lots of new professional connections with others in the Sustainable Transportation world. Thanks to the Winnipeg Foundation for the support that allowed us to attend!